Christian Heddergott
Tel.: +49 33053-898-45
Production management
Ralf Tefelski
Tel.: +49 33053-898-25
Advisor to the management
Bernd Engelmann
Tel.: +49 33053-898-61
Sales and logistics
Pamela Pospieszala
Tel.: +49 33053-898-24
Sales and logistics
Jutta Schefe
Tel.: +49 33053-898-21
Sales and logistics
Laila Rahime
Tel.: +49 33053-898-10
Purchasing and production
Torsten Maaß
Tel.: +49 33053-898-66
Quality management and development
Kathleen Sperling
Tel.: +49 33053-898-50
Quality assurance
Anja Krause
Tel.: +49 33053-898-50
Yvonne Mierau
Tel.: +49 33053-898-23
Technology and IT
Ricky Günschel
Tel.: +49 33053-898-78